Matriculation Celebration - UNIJOS Date 2017/2018
The University of Jos (Unijos) management cordially invites all registered Undergraduate Students and Members of the public to its Matriculation Ceremony for the 2017/2018 Academic Session.
The Ceremony will take place as follows:
Date: Friday, April 13, 2018.
Time: 11:00am prompt.
Venue: J.T Useni Stadium, Naraguta Campus, UniJos.
Students Identity Cards: Students’ identity cards will be collected prior to commencement of lectures at the Security Office Room 83, Administrative Block, Bauchi Road Campus after completion of medical examination at the University Health Services Centre.
Commencement of Lectures: Lectures for the 2017/2018 Academic Session will commence on Monday, April 16, 2018.
Please Note
All fresh undergraduate and returning students are hereby warned to avoid patronizing unrecognized/ mobile Business Centres for all forms of payments and online registration.
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